Month: August 2023

What is Astigmatism?

Eye care specialists use many tests to accurately detect conditions such as astigmatism. They include visual acuity tests and an instrument called the keratometer. Astigmatism can affect both near and far vision depending on the shape of your eye and how it bends (refracts) light rays. Causes Astigmatism occurs when your cornea or lenses have…

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What is Astigmatism?

Eye care specialists use many tests to accurately detect conditions such as astigmatism. They include visual acuity tests and an instrument called the keratometer. Astigmatism can affect both near and far vision depending on the shape of your eye and how it bends (refracts) light rays. Causes Astigmatism occurs when your cornea or lenses have…

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What is Astigmatism?

Eye care specialists employ numerous tests to accurately detect astigmatism and other vision conditions, including visual acuity assessment tests and an instrument called a Keratometer. Astigmatism is a relatively common eye condition that impairs both near- and distance vision, depending on the shape and function of your eyes and how they bend (refract) light rays.…

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What is Astigmatism?

Eye care specialists perform a number of tests in order to accurately detect astigmatism. These tests include visual acuity test and an instrument referred to as a "keratometer". Astigmatism is an eye condition that affects near- and distant vision, depending on your eyes’ shape and function. Causes Astigmatism is a result of an irregularly-shaped cornea…

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